This week is National Volunteer Week where all around the country our 1.2 million volunteers are celebrated. Northland has the highest rate of volunteering in New Zealand. Around 37 per cent of the adult population volunteer for about four hours per week on average, according to Volunteering Northland. More information, including how to volunteer, can be found at or Today we feature another of our amazing volunteers and send out our thanks to everybody who gives some of their time to help others in our community. Northland's volunteers, we salute you all.
Dave Pennington has been volunteering his time with the New Zealand Red Cross in Whangārei for the past five years, and he's still surprised by just how much he has already accomplished.
Pennington is the team leader of Red Cross' Disaster Welfare and Support Team (DWST), a group of volunteers trained to respond to emergencies, in Whangārei.
Among his recent deployments was at the Whangaparāoa Defence Force training base in February to provide welfare support to the evacuees who arrived from Wuhan, China and were placed in a 14-day quarantine.
He is also a committee member of the Red Cross' Whangārei Branch.