Senior interclub tennis round three results (Nov 4)
Mairtown Megatrons beat Whangārei Boys' High School 5-1
S.King/C.Johnstone beat A.Dubost/R.Sheppard (6-1, 6-3)
P.Molloy/C.Dowsett beat M.He/M.Oldridge (6-3, 6-1)
Competition is heating up in Northland's senior club tennis competition. Photo / File
Senior interclub tennis round three results (Nov 4)
Mairtown Megatrons beat Whangārei Boys' High School 5-1
S.King/C.Johnstone beat A.Dubost/R.Sheppard (6-1, 6-3)
P.Molloy/C.Dowsett beat M.He/M.Oldridge (6-3, 6-1)
S.King beat A.Dubost (9-5)
G.Johnstone beat R.Sheppard (9-1)
P.Molloy beat M.Oldridge (9-0)
M.He beat C.Dowsett (9-2)
Kamo Cobras beat Ngunguru Coasties on countback three-all, 59 games to 35
T.Mitchell/S.Fielden beat K.Friend/M.Sargent (6-1, 6-1)
J.Woods/J.Wright beat N.Stowe/S.Johnson (7-5, 1-6, 10-7)
T.Mitchell beat K.Friend (9-0)
S.Fielden beat M.Sargent (9-0)
J.Woods beat N.Stowe (9-4)
J.Wright beat S.Johnson (9-8)
Mairtown Judge Jokers beat Maunu Bulls 5-1
M.Tane/M.Walters beat N.Lewin/G.Cowie (6-1, 6-1)
I.Dunn/D.Coutts beat P.Bowers/J.Tanner (6-3, 6-3)
N.Lewin beat M.Tane (9-3)
M.Walters beat G.Cowie (9-2)
I.Dunn beat P.Bowers (9-1)
D.Coutts beat J.Tanner (9-1)
Ngunguru Nuggets beat Mairtown No Guts No Glory 6-0
D.Hammond/B.Morgan beat C.McCafferty/J.Haretuku (6-2, 6-2)
H.Craven/W.Rankin beat P.Mathison/D.Jones (6-0, 6-2)
D.Hammond beat C.McCafferty (9-1)
B.Morgan beat J.Haretuku (9-1)
H.Craven beat P.Mathison (9-5)
W.Rankin beat D.Jones (9-0)
Maunu Stallions beat Kamo Kings 5-1
K.Roberts/R.Dilrussel beat L.Hick/H.Blank (6-3, 6-4)
R.Webb/B.Newton beat B.Turner/R.Turner (6-4, 4-6, 10-3)
K.Roberts beat L.Hick (9-6)
R.Dilrussel beat H.Blank (9-2)
R.Webb beat B.Turner (9-0)
R.Turner beat B.Newton (9-3)
Springfield Snipers beat Waipū Raiders 5-1
G.Miller/K.Apaapa beat P.Woods/R.Gibson (6-4, 7-6)
S.Yeates/C.Miller beat J.Donaldson/P.Ramsey (6-3, 6-3)
G.Miller beat P.Woods (9-8)
K.Apaapa beat R.Gibson (9-5)
S.Yeates beat J.Donaldson (9-3)
P.Ramsey beat C.Miller (9-6)
Results for Northland veteran golfers at Whangārei Golf Course (Nov 21)
Division A: Keith Henley - 43 points, Stuart Gray - 42, Robert Nathan - 39, Kerry Rabe - c/b 39, Vance Alison - 38
Division B: Alex Cardno - 46, John Fischer - 44, Noel Futter - 43, Russell Foster - 42, Tony Horton - 38
Ladies: Catherine Choi - 41, Lynda Tunley - 38, Barbara Barrell - 36, Jean Tennent - c/b 36
Twos: Keith Henley, Tony Horton, Catherine Choi, Terene Campbell, Lynda Tunley, Ann Hathaway
Kauri Indoor Bowling Club
Summer Night:
Winners: Marcel Ruedi, Dallas Campbell, Stuart Smith, Bruce Dawson
Runners-up: Peter Donker, Eleanor Holt, Shirley Wark, Pat Price
Dargaville Bowling Club
Club Championship triples (Nov 9-10)
Day one: Seven trios got play under way in real summer conditions.
Four rounds were completed with about 95 per cent of the games finishing with only a few shots separating the teams.
Day two, round five. Jim Vallance, Max Jones and Ron Bishop, two lives v Eric Smitton, Chris Clausen and John Smith, one life. This match was taken out comfortably by Eric and co.
Round six, final: Another very close game, won by a couple of shots by Eric, Chris and John.
Mixed Drawn triples (Nov 19)
Twenty-four entries (eight trios) enjoyed a day trundling a few bowls and having some fun on a fairly good sort of a day. There were no four winners, one with three and a few with 2.5.
1st: Ray Bell, Gay Clement and John Keogh
2nd: Kevin West, Lorraine West and Barb Bell
Club Championship fours (Nov 23-24)
Men, day one: Seven starters
Day two, round five: Eric Smitton, Ray Bell, Chris Clausen and Mark Fletcher, two lifers, take on and defeat one lifers, Michael Marinkovich, Max Jones, Kevin West and Steve Mrkusich.
Women (three starters): Four rounds to complete this event with Totty Rakich, Karren Biddles, Margaret Smitton and Adrienne Graham taking the title from Eileen Wyatt, Noeline Munn, Frana Morgan-Cockle and Janice Allen.
Kensington Bowling Club
One Agency (Gary Younger) A/c pairs (Oct 5)
1st: A. Bare', S. Sneddon
2nd: M. Lornie, P. Warth
Domestic A/c triples (Oct 12)
1st: M. Lornie, L. O' Neil, L. Spratt
2nd: D. Owen, E. Chrol, J. O' Neil
Domestic Bonus fours (Oct 26)
1st: C. Van Haaften, A. Bare', A. Reek, B. Adam
2nd: D. Owens, S. Sneddon, J. Hooson, C. Harrington
Home Plus Drawn A/c triples (Nov 5)
1st: C. Van Haaften, J. O' Neil, L. Brockbank
2nd: L. O' Neil, M. Harrington, G. Jones
New World Ladies Open Triples (Nov 9)
1st: J. Ganley, S. James, G. Smith
2nd: P. Brewster, P. Reader, H. Blackman
Maungatapere Bowling Club
Kiwi Pairs Drawn (Oct 19)
Geoff Powell and Dick Gellert
Morris & Morris Sponsored open mixed triples (Oct 23)
1st: Bob Ashworth, Carol Daish, Barbara Gellert
2nd: Bryce Wyatt, Sally Hobson, Chris Garea
3rd: Shirley Holland, Dave McCahon, Ngaire Nichols
4th: Rex Jury, Glenys Sandilands, Anna Kiifuss
Mixed triples sponsored by Kerry Rintoul and Margaret Doel (Nov 6)
1st: Dave Milich, Judy McKenzie, Sam Bhakta - four wins
2nd: Bill Wallace, Kerry Rintoul, Veronica Fleming - three wins, 24 ends
3rd: Steve McAdam, Carol Daish, Bruce Clarkson - three wins, 24 ends
4th: Kevin West, Chris Clauson, Lorraine West - three wins, 20 ends on c/b
Onerahi Bowling Club
Johnston Memorial Fours tournament, all proceeds going to the Onerahi Fire Service (Nov 20)
1st: T Walker, D Williams, L Taylor, Fireman 3, - 3 wins, 14 ends, 25 points
2nd: M Riceman J Cook, G Musgrave, T Gill, - 3 wins, 13 ends, 23 points
3rd: D Johnston, V Reed, K Love, Fireman 1 - 3 wins, 12 ends, 27 points
4th: L Sefton, P Palmer, A Agnew, C Hall - 3 wins, 10.5 ends, 21 points
5th: M Ruedi, G Boland, G Whalen, J Bartleet - 2.5 wins, 13 ends, 21 points
6th: D Ross, B Pattinson, L Wuthrich, Fireman 4 - 2 wins, 14 ends, 20 points.
The Warriors lost on the pitch but the Northland pair came home winners.