Down the road from the mighty Tāne Mahuta, a road-carpet was rolled out and lights set to green as the newly sealed 1.5km stretch of Waipoua River Rd was opened for traffic this week. A blessing of the site and the work completed was led by Te Roroa, kaitiaki of Waipoua forest.
Thomas Hohaia, chairman of Te Roroa Whatu Ora and Manawhenua Trusts, with Dr Jason Smith, mayor of Kaipara District Council opened the gates to allow the first cars through.
The sealing project is part of the Kaipara KickStart body of work, supported by PGF funding from Kānoa – Regional Economic Development and Investment Unit. KDC applied for funding in partnership with Te Roroa, to seal the road that runs through Department of Conservation managed land, and install traffic lights. WSP designed and managed construction and work on the road was carried out by Fulton Hogan, who were able to employ members of Te Roroa to work on the project. Currie Electrical completed most of the traffic signal installation.
Council scholarships
Eight $3000 Northland Regional Council scholarships designed to provide a springboard for future environmental leaders and champions have been awarded. Council chairwoman Penny Smart said they received 40 applications for this year's Tū i te ora Scholarships that recognise, encourage and support students to undertake study, research or training that relates to council's environmental and regulatory functions while contributing to council's vision: "Our Northland - together we thrive"; as well as build Māori capacity within Te Taitokerau, among other aims.
The scholarships winners are Kaitāia's Tayla Bamber (Ngāti Kahu,Te Rarawa); Fern Donovan, from Hokianga; Tutukākā's Rosa Harper; Aya Morri from Kohukohu; One Tree Point's Josh Otene (Ngāpuhi/Te Rarawa); Maria Secker of Whangārei; Shavonne Toko (Te Roroa, Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Kurī, Te Rarawa), from Ōmāmari and Whangārei; and Taiawhio Wati (Te Uri o Hau, Ngāti Whatua, Te Rarawa, Ngāti Kahu) from Dargaville. Smart said it was great to see talented and dedicated young people studying hard to make a difference for our environment now and for the future.
Gun in crashed car
Firefighters called to a crash on Ahipara Rd in Kaitāia about 3pm on Wednesday found a Honda Civic partly blocking the lane. As they were trying to move the car they discovered a firearm in the boot. The scene was left in the hands of police, who said the car had crashed into a ditch. The female motorist was thrown from the vehicle. She was taken to hospital with what appeared to be minor injuries. Senior Sergeant Brian Swann, of Northland police, said a high number of crashes occurred on Ahipara Rd and people ignoring their seatbelts were reminded to buckle in every trip.