Tracks closed
Peach Cove and Te Whara tracks in the Bream Head Scenic Reserve will be closed on March 27 and 28 for helicopter operations and track resurfacing. Weather permitting, the closures will allow materials and equipment to be airlifted for significant upgrades to Peach Cove Hut, including a new deck, replaced exterior wall, roof enhancements, new mattresses, new outdoor furniture, improved ventilation and insulation, bunk modifications and a fresh interior repaint. Track improvements will also be carried out, with new metal laid to address uneven sections and top up stairs, repositioned culverts, and new steps and landings for better access. Smugglers Bay Loop Track will remain open
Aerial mapping
A small plane flying back and forth over Northland’s coast last week attracted speculation from people who saw it – some wondering if it was a police cannabis-spotting operation. However, Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand confirmed the plane was on a mapping mission. “We’ve been mapping parts of the coast to provide valuable data to decision-makers, researchers and planners that could mitigate the potential future impacts of climate change,” a spokesperson said. “The plane uses pulsed light LiDAR [light detection and ranging technology] to build up a 3D picture of the land and seafloor below. Populated parts of the coast and those vulnerable to the impacts of sea level rise are being mapped, and the data could be used to make decisions about where to build infrastructure and inform hazard mapping like tsunami zones. The data is also going to feed into the nautical charts we produce, for safety of navigation on the water; and could be used by locals to support their businesses. All data captured will be made publicly available on our Linz Data Service website once it is processed,” the spokesperson said.
North dropping