The Warehouse is quashing rumours being spread on Facebook community notice boards that its store in Waipapa will close down in January. A spokeswoman for the company said there was no truth to the rumours, and the company's only current activity in the Mid North was the renewal of its lease in Kaikohe.
Ride Waitangi launched
Waitangi Mountain Bike Park has launched a new website, The new site is designed to be more visually appealing and easier to navigate with a more streamlined process to Register to Ride online. Donations via Register to Ride help pay for trail maintenance and park operations.
Rush on snapper tickets
The rush on tickets for next year's Ngai Takoto 90 Mile Beach Snapper Bonanza accelerated last week. As of Friday morning there were 68 tickets left, falling to 34 by mid-afternoon, and by Saturday the last one had gone. Organiser John Stewart said demand for tickets for next year's tournament (March 17-21) had been unprecedented, although late last month he had expected the sold out sign to go up around Christmas. There was now a waiting list, he said yesterday, with more than 30 names on it.