Warning issued
A Northern Advocate story about problems with an antisocial Kāinga Ora tenant in Whangārei’s The Avenues has prompted action from the state landlord. Northland regional director Jeff Murray said the tenant had been issued with a notice warning him his tenancy was at risk if his behaviour did not change. Kāinga Ora is working with other agencies to support the tenant to change his behaviour, Murray said.
Carpark set for revamp
The Taipā Pt carpark is undergoing an update for wheelchair-accessible parks, designated boat trailer parks, and public toilets. Far North District Council-employed contractors are working on the site and have closed the construction area, but the boat ramp and other parking area will remain accessible with a prority give-way system to manage traffic. The work is scheduled to be finished in time for Easter. The upgrade is part of round seven of the Tourism Infrastructure Fund, which received funding towards remedial works to Taipā Beachfront. The project is working in conjunction with the Taipā placemaking plan, which focuses on upgrading the existing waterfront.
Prepare for Poetry Day
Event organisers throughout the motu are invited to register creative ways to bring people together for this year’s Phantom Billstickers National Poetry Day on August 22. Over 100 poetry events are expected to take place nationwide, including open mic nights, school initiatives, public displays, live performances, or small, contemplative gatherings. Organisers wishing to apply for seed funding are encouraged to do so early, with applications closing at 5pm on June 3. For more information, visit wpoetryday.co.nz or email poetryday@nzbookawards.org.nz.
Tsunami siren test
Northland’s six-monthly tsunami siren test will take place at the end of daylight saving on Sunday, April 6. This year marks the first test of the newly installed upgraded sirens. The new sirens will sound once at 10am for about a minute, and their performance will be monitored for any faults. Unlike the old system, the new sirens can be largely monitored remotely, reducing the need for prolonged testing. Northlanders can check whether they live, work, or play in a tsunami evacuation zone, and plan the quickest route to safety, using the interactive maps at: nrc.govt.nz/evacuationzones.
Have your say on FNDC plan
The Far North District Council is reviewing its Annual Plan 2025/26 and proposed fees and charges and wants community feedback before April 15. The Annual Plan builds on the second year of the Long Term Plan (2024-27). It outlines what the council plans to do in the coming year, how much it will cost, and how it will fund it. A 2.6% average fee increase is proposed, with targeted adjustments, including changes to animal control, building consents, and resource consent fees. Feedback can be submitted online, by email, in person, or by mail. The final plan will be adopted in June and take effect from July 1.