Enrol to vote
Around 100,000 Northlanders should have received their enrolment update packs so that they can vote in September's general election. However, any voters who haven't received an enrolment update pack in the mail need to act now to make sure they are enrolled and ready to vote in the September election and referendums. Around 3.27 million personalised enrolment packs have been sent to voters to check they are correctly enrolled, including almost 100,000 in Northland. "If you haven't received an enrolment update pack it means you aren't enrolled or need to update your details," says Mandy Bohté, national manager of enrolment and community engagement for the Electoral Commission said. People can enrol or update their details online at vote.nz using a New Zealand driver licence, New Zealand passport or RealMe verified identity. They can also call 0800 36 76 56 to ask for an enrolment form to be sent to them.
■ If you are standing in the elections or putting on a meet-the-candidates event in Northland, email details to elections@northernadvocate.co.nz
Community grants
From today, Northland community groups can apply to a $36 million fund established to encourage locally-led solutions as communities rebuild and recover from Covid-19. Minister for Social Development Carmel Sepuloni said: "Community-led initiatives under the CCRF might include helping people to work remotely, health and safety measures for whānau, building financial capability, or developing and implementing Covid-19 recovery plans. CCRF funding will be targeted towards community-led initiatives that support priority groups, which include Māori and Pacific communities, as well as culturally and language diverse populations." The CCRF will be administered through the Ministry of Social Development and funding will be available in waves. More information about the CCRF and how to apply will be available at https://www.msd.govt.nz/.
Te reo classes
Multicultural Whangārei has started its te reo Maori classes - beginner level - which are free. The classes are held on Tuesdays from 12.30pm to 2.30pm, and Thursdays from 10.30am to 12.30 pm, with the last class for the year scheduled for December 17. As spaces are limited pre-registration is required via email to info@multiculturalwhangarei.co.nz or (09) 430 0571
Crash victim named