Far North District Council has improved its overall rating in a local government excellence programme that assesses the performance of local authorities across key areas.
The CouncilMARK™ Independent Assessment Board awarded the council a BB rating, an improvement on the B that followed the first assessment in 2017, on a nine-point rating scale (AAA to C).
CouncilMARK™ assessors Peter Crow and Dave Brash spent two and a half days with the council in November, evaluating its performance in governance (competent), financial decision-making (better than competent), service delivery and community engagement (both competent). In 2017 it rated community engagement as better than competent, financial decision-making as competent, and governance and service delivery as 'variable'.
Mayor John Carter said the report was strong affirmation of the council's progressiveness, and a good result for a local authority that provided services to more than 40 towns and villages, as well as rural communities, scattered across a large and diverse district.
"I have been a staunch supporter of the CouncilMARK™ programme since its inception, because I wanted us to have a foundation on which to become a better council.