Northand candidates talk about the biggest issue facing the electorate.
Northand candidates talk about the biggest issue facing the electorate.
As part of our 2017 election coverage the Northland Advocate has asked candidates from the Whangarei, Northland and Te Tai Tokerau electorates a series of questions.
We hope their answers help you make a decision on who to vote for.
Social issues are at the forefront of my concerns regarding the Northland electorate. One of my main goals if elected will be to ensure central government continues building much needed infrastructure such as roads, bridges, broadband, cellular coverage, schools and hospitals to continue the sustained economic development which we are enjoying in the North.
Currently we are the second fastest growing region in NZ behind Nelson. We are in the middle of the largest construction boom the country has ever experienced and we have more people in employment than any other OECD country.
One thousand six hundred people a week are coming off the benefit and into employment in NZ at the moment. We are in exciting times and it has never been a better time to be a Northlander.
I would love to see the Ngapuhi Treaty settlement finally resolved to everyone's satisfaction and the associated capital injection of funds into the North. This would provide much needed additional stimulus to our economic growth.
Winston Peters, NZ First
Winston Peters, NZ First:
The abominable neglect of Northland over many years by successive governments and by National.
The neglect can be seen all over Northland - infrastructure and roads that are falling apart; rail lines that have been shut down and the service between Whangarei and Auckland halved; airports at risk of closure because of lack of government support; the absence of incentives for businesses; chronic under-funding of employment training, health services, schools and housing. Northland has so much potential that has not been harnessed and tapped.
To address this appalling neglect NZ First will boost the economy to increase productivity and create jobs right throughout the North.
We'll move the Port of Auckland to Northport. This will have a flow-on positive effect to every town in Northland.
For Northland's all important forestry industry we will ensure continuity of supply for both the domestic and export industries ensuring jobs are kept here and that they increase in numbers.
We are committed also to reforming the Reserve Bank Act which will make Northland's export industry more competitive.
We will return the GST paid by international tourists in Northland for tourism infrastructure and roads, and to stimulate job training and opportunities.
We will support businesses with a tax regime that enables them to grow and to pay better wages.
We will focus on added value, from dairy farming and forestry to marine production. This will boost local economies in every single part of Northland as our raw product is processed, for a greater return. The gross neglect of the North has to end.
Mel Taylor, Conservative Party
Mel Taylor, Conservatives:
Youth crime. The Conservative Party believe that our preoccupation with "rights", with very little reference to "responsibilities", has left us in a situation where some young people realise that they can do whatever they like, with little or no consequences.
This sort of freedom leads to isolation and lostness. The consequences of the resulting crime must outweigh the benefits, but when you simply get dropped off home after committing a burglary, or bounced between family group conferences, police and the courts, there's no disincentive, so the crime continues.
My husband and I have cared for over 400 high at-risk youth over 15+ years. We see first-hand youth crimes becoming much more violent. They've escalated to aggravated assaults, armed robberies, P, and domestic violence to name a few.
The Conservative Party have three policies to address youth crime issues. They are, Youth Crime Policy, Justice Policy, and Youth Boot Farms Policy.
Within those policies solutions include coming down hard on first-time offenders, an overhaul of the current Youth Court system and Adolescent Mental Health Services, reparation that fits the crime, and an educational achievement linked to court sentencing. Another huge contributor to youth crime is the breakdown of the family unit.
I'm committed to stemming the governmental degradation of this unit, and would introduce family friendly policies and strategies, aiming to strengthen, promote and rebuild this pillar of our society.