"You get a feeling of self empowerment and belief - if I can lose 29kg what other goals can I put my mind to and achieve?" she said in September last year (after losing 29kg).
Miss Mcleod, originally from Dunedin, credits Weight Watchers' Your Way programme as being the key to her success.
"With numerous food allergies and intolerances as well as being a coeliac the flexibility of the programme has been perfect."
She said she gains a great deal from witnessing the determination and success of her members changing their lifestyles for the better.
Weight Watchers NZ area manager Debbie Baird said Miss Mcleod had been attending Whangarei meetings and became a coach following her passion to help people change their relationship with food.
"As a result of Islay's successful weightloss and inspirational journey she has truly assisted many members in Whangarei," Ms Baird said.
The new Weight Watchers meeting in Kerikeri is drawing in members who have been requesting a local group for some years, she said.