Sophie Odgen from "Wild Untamed" was taking part in the Hare Krishna Rathayatra Parade through
Whangārei in January.
Sophie Odgen from "Wild Untamed" was taking part in the Hare Krishna Rathayatra Parade through
Whangārei in January.
Throughout 2022 Northern Advocate photographers have been bringing you images of events across Northland. From breaking news and major incidents to family fun and scenes from our beautiful region, The Advocate photographers had it all covered.
Today we publish some of photographer Tania Whyte’s favourite images she took during the year.
Dick and Dawn Thorburn in their 1965 Mustang were watching the Highland Pipers and drummers at Caledonia Park in Waipū on January 1.
In the early morning the About Time Rolling Ball Clock was lowered into place at Whangārei Town Basin, next to Claphams Clock Museum in March.
Silas Hughes, 6, and his mum Sarah Gurnick feel the full force of the spray at Whangārei Falls in April, during yet another bout of bad weather.
Teahika Webster loves the playground at Portland School in May, which had seen a 200 per cent increase in the student population over the previous two years.
McLeod Bay at sunset in June.
Kai the longhaired Jack Russell has fun at the water fountains at Putahi Park, Whangārei in June.
Manawa Smith, 5, enjoying his ice cream at the Whanau Day at Hihiaua Cultural Centre, Whangārei, in June.
New Far North Mayor Moko Tepania outside Te Whare Runanga during the powhiri for the new Far North District Council at Waitangi Treaty Grounds in October.