"I'm bored. There's nothing to do. If you want to do anything everything is so expensive."
Sometimes the litany of why kids (and some adults) think rural Northland is the equivalent of a cultural and entertainment Siberia is long and simply not true.
Since being in the Far North, I've found some things offer much more opportunity than that in the Big Smoke of Auckland at a smidgen of the price.
There are some equally phenomenal people who want to bolster and develop youth here and often do most of what they do for free - or for little. You just have to know where to find them - and that's not always easy, they seem like the proverb that some of the best kumara never sing about their own sweetness - so I'll sing some of it for them.
There's something about the physical beauty here that calls people back - even when they've been really successful in their careers and could live or work anywhere in the world - and yet they choose to come back to their home towns and put hours of their time and energy into local kids - because it's a great place and the kids are worth it.