Perhaps it was because I realised he knew what those of us who have a voice or have access to a slice of the economic pie don't: there is a whole swag of people in the US and the UK, and here too, who are really hurting and have absolutely nothing to lose.
I lie. The one thing they have to lose and want to shake off because it has served them so badly is the status quo.
The people have spoken - and this is what we've got; one of the biggest misogynistic, racist, homophobic, warry, loudmouth frogs sitting in the swamp he wanted to drain.
I understand the impetus to throw a giant spanner in the works of a system that has served an elite few for a very long time.
Any of us who have worked in communities who have suffered the vagrancies of "economic development" that favours big corporations and a property market dependent on massive credit and immigration, might put our votes behind any loose cannon that offered snake-oil change. Witness: the Far North by-election.
In looking at Unicef projects in February, the statistics that never appear in presidential campaigns stood out.
There are 45 million Americans on food stamps. 92 million people out of work. Over 24 million kids living in poverty. In some states this jumps to as many as four out of 10 kids living below the poverty line.
There is not much point in being a hardline, Democrat-voting unionist from a coal or steel state if you have no work. I get it.
How is it then that these people who obviously have a huge grievance against the way things are and want a change have voted in the man who is least able or likely to get it for them?
A man who has hundreds of lawsuits pending for stiffing his own employees out of the minimum wage?
What do his three-syllable slogans even mean? '
Build the Wall! Lock her Up! Drain the Swamp!
It's picture-book rhyme not realpolitik.
How is it that the public education system in the States has not given enough of its citizens the capacity to read through his empty rhetoric to the gaping abyss of policy or practicality that lies below?