"Kill a chicken scare the monkeys." You've got to give it to the Chinese - their proverbs don't prance lightly around politics. Judge Wiley's warning that John Banks' sentence was meant to deter others from offending against the Electoral Act highlighted that secrets are an anathema to democracy.
It's important because what the court found Mr Banks guilty of was trying to undermine the democratic process itself.
In this tranquil corner of the Pacific that might not seem like a big deal and, to many in parliament, it didn't either.
Telling, that the high priestess of New Zealand right-wing politics, Michelle Boag, said the Banks issue had sent "a chill up the spine of every MP", claiming he'd only done the same as "every political candidate who has put in a donation form".
The judge found evidence "indicated that Mr Banks' collection system was common practice" could be the studied understatement of the legal profession.