Boys will be boys - and girls will let them. Much as I loathed this saying as a young woman, there is some truth in it. They're hard-wired so differently that when boys meet conflict their first response is usually: "What's your problem?" Girls on the other hand ask: "What have I done to you?"
This has been the script of the "Roast Buster" debate, which has nothing to do with why these things happen, but rather where blame gets laid.
Boys are one thing, but what about young men? Where do they learn what it means to be "a real man"? Even the name: "Roast Busters" suggests a boys' tree-hut club and is juvenile in the extreme. These are boys. Big boys. But boys nonetheless, because what real man would be attracted to a drunk under-aged girl?
The debate that has raged about the girls' dress and behaviour is relevant to the extent that you believe a drunk 13-year-old makes rational decisions or choices about anything. Make that any 13-year-old.
There is a reason there are no 13-year-old girls in charge of the World Bank or nuclear missile launching. They don't think very far ahead and, despite frequent outbursts of brilliance, often do really dumb random things - their brains are a work in progress - it's just what they do.