I've had a bad history with clubs - either not being invited to the cool ones or getting myself expelled from the rest.
Some clubs just shouldn't exist or are just oxymoronic and plain creepy.
Collectively I've had the dubious distinction of getting asked to leave: a kindergarten, Girl Scouts, the confirmation class at my Catholic girls' school, the Wimmins' action group at uni and, if extracting yourself before getting asked to leave counts, the ante-natal class I attended with the mad Latin.
I've certainly never belonged to clubs that involve maintaining a positional advantage in society by bonding over really weird stuff. The likelihood of me being invited into any Tory drinking clubs is nil, so I can't even guess whether or not the allegations of Cameron - whose icon of right-wing hipsterism is Mr Key, are anything more than the senile rumblings of an ex-MP who couldn't get as much leverage from his old drinking companion as he felt entitled to.
Maybe it's a girl thing but - I don't really get it. Private parts and a dead pig's head just don't sound like a good night out to me but hey, no judgement.