There's a quiet kind of leadership that really does move worlds.
It's not the blow-hard, bully-boy hustle of the style favoured by CEOs around the world who have only just realised their time has come ... and well and truly gone.
This is different. It's the kind that sees a problem and just goes about fixing it. Quietly. With respect for how the problem may have been caused in the first place. Without judgment and without banners. These are the kind of leaders who will never use phrases such as "solutions focused, moving on, or commercially sensitive".
They don't need to because they don't move on - they dig in, they hold the line and work until things get better. They don't need to focus on solutions because they wake up every morning and work alongside the problems every day ... until things get better ... until things change.
There is no sensitivity around anything they do because everything is commercially transparent . There is a screaming absence of PR men and communication strategists in their wake. They often talk quietly and practise the ancient art of just listening, just listening.