Descendants of the Ngati Manu chief Pomare II are organising a hui to celebrate his signing of the Treaty of Waitangi 175 years ago next month.
The hui, at Karetu Marae east of Kawakawa, will take place on February 17, the date Pomare II added his signature to Te Tiriti at Opua.
Hapu spokesman Arapeta Hamilton said the annual hui attracted descendants from around New Zealand and Australia.
"It's an opportunity for Ngati Manu to remember loved ones who have passed away as well as celebrate those who have achieved in the past 12 months," he said. This year's hui would honour two young achievers, Dr Ihipera Painting for medicine and Monita Skipworth for manu korero, along with four Maori MPs of Ngati Manu descent.
All in the Labour Party, they are Nanaia Mahuta, Kelvin Davis, Peeni Henare and Rino Tirikatene.