Minister of Treaty Negotiations Andrew Little and Maori Development Minister Nanaia Mahuta at an open hui for Ngapuhi. Photo / Maori Television
Minister of Treaty Negotiations Andrew Little and Maori Development Minister Nanaia Mahuta at an open hui for Ngapuhi. Photo / Maori Television
A former Minister of Maori Affairs says the Minister of Treaty Negotiations should not procrastinate and start making decisions after meeting with Ngapuhi.
A representative of a Whangarei hapu who attended the hui said people were ready to settle.
About 200 people attended a hui held at the Waitaha Hall in Waitangi on Saturday to meet and share their views with Andrew Little, the Minister of Treaty Negotiations and Maori Development Minister Nanaia Mahuta.
Former Minister of Maori Affairs Dover Samuels said the hui was "very interesting" and as expected there were a range of differing views.
Samuels said he understood the pressures on Little who would have to show strength and make decisions.
"It is very dangerous to procrastinate and to string out this process - it's non-productive to both sides because many people are suffering from hui-itis and I wouldn't like people to see this as some sort of ongoing situation," he said.
The Ngapuhi settlement conflict goes back to 2011 when Tuhoronuku sought the mandate for direct negotiations but Te Kotahitanga opposed this.
When Tuhoronuku was granted the mandate in 2014 several opposed hapu went to the Waitangi Tribunal and were granted an urgent hearing into the Crown's recognition of the mandate.
Pita Tipene, co-chairman of Te Kotahitanga, said they were able to state their position on settlement.
"Our position is we totally support Maranga Mai, we are already moving on Maranga Mai. We need the Crown to come in and resource and support that process so we can move on."
Hone Sadler, chairman of Tuhoronuku, said the meeting was positive and he was looking forward to working with Little.
"Going forward, we gave him an update on we were at as Tuhoronuku and the work that we have done thus far. Our goals are to strengthen the mandate."