Undersize crayfish lead to fines
Two Northland men have been fined after taking undersize crayfish. The Ministry for Primary Industries said in September, two men had their catch inspected at Whananaki, 27km northeast of Whangārei. They had a total of 29 crayfish, including 10 pack horse crayfish. All of the pack horse crayfish were less than the minimum legal size of 216mm, with one as small as 148mm. There was one female crayfish in egg and also a couple that had soft shells. Each of the two men will be issued with a total of $1000 in infringement notices. If you know of or hear about any form of fisheries offending please contact 0800 4 POACHER (0800 476 224) line or message MPI on Facebook. You can remain anonymous.
New police for North
Four new constables will head to Northland after graduating from police college this week. They are part of Wing 320 which had 79 recruits and will have their wing patron Rob Waddell (ONZM) present at the ceremony. In addition to Waddell, the new constables will have their family and friends supporting them tomorrow, along with Commissioner Mike Bush and members of the Police Executive, Police Minister Stuart Nash, members of Australian Federal Police and Porirua Mayor Mike Tana.
Parafed sports day