Northland's Corinne Austin, who recently won the Exercise Association of New Zealand's title of Personal Trainer of the Year, says that the adage of 'No pain, no gain' belongs back in the early 2000s, as it intimidates those with well-meaning fitness aspirations.
"I'm a personal trainer and even I don't 'smash it out' every day," she says.
She believes the tough attitude in fitness comes from a need for penance for increasingly bad lifestyle decisions and endless pressure to feel attractive.
"We're health and fitness professionals that have been so focussed on the fitness that we've forgotten about health. Science tells us that we need health and fitness together. Fitness doesn't equal better health unless we're addressing all facets of health."
Corinne is determined to spread her unorthodox fitness gospel across New Zealand. The judges described the Whangarei trainer as being: 'beyond sets and reps and into care of the total person'.