Far North Mayor John Carter has pledged a new era of co-operation between Northland's four councils.
The promise came during the swearing-in yesterday of the district's new mayor, councillors and community board members in the Kaikohe Memorial Hall and was underscored by the presence of Whangarei Mayor Sheryl Mai and her chief executive Mark Simpson. Ms Mai was officially sworn in a day earlier.
Iwi also used the ceremony to urge the new council to work more closely with Maori, who make up close to 45 per cent of the Far North population.
Mr Carter told more than 200 people at the official welcome that all councillors and community board members had pledged to work together, and with council, for the good of the district.
He had also met Ms Mai, new Northland Regional Council chairman Bill Shepherd and Kaipara commissioner John Robertson. All four leaders were due to be photographed together at Waitangi yesterday as a symbol of their commitment to working together, he said.