In a nutshell, the business has grown alongside my own needs since I started maternity leave three years ago and I will keep solving problems as I encounter them.
3: What are you the most passionate about in this business?
Being proudly NZ made and having original fabrics.
4: What is a little-known secret about your business that customers might not know?
I am also a writer. Sleeping doesn't happen much. I'm also a mum, first and foremost and above all other things, my two little grublets are a priority.
5: What were you working at before this business venture?
I was an art, art history and English teacher.
6: What trends do you see in your industry?
There seems to be a lot more outsourcing these days and NZ production is becoming rare. Other brands have garments made overseas to cut costs. I believe customers still love NZ-made products though. So I design my fabrics here and sew them here.
7: Describe an average Monday morning?
Well, it all starts with coffee and lists. Lots of lists.
8: What challenges do start-up companies face in Northland?
I'm new to Northland so I can't speak for Northland specifically. I think a key to success in any industry is savvy networking and participating in online communities for support and regular brainstorming sessions.
9: What's your personal philosophy on surviving business challenges?
Think. Brainstorm. Do something small to work on your business growth every single day.
10: Tell me about someone who has influenced your decision to start this venture?
My friend Sarah Jayne Kavali. She is a stylist and artist and every step of the way she has been behind me telling me that my ideas are worth continuing with and will make other people's lives better.