The story of Whangarei boy Harvey Ellis can now be seen around the world, giving parents of children with complex needs due to disabilities hope for the future.
Seven-year-old Harvey has a rare genetic condition called Cri du Chat syndrome, also known as chromosome 5p deletion syndrome, a combination of both intellectual and physical disabilities. 'Cri du Chat' means 'call of the cat' in French, referring to the characteristic cat-like cry of affected children.
Harvey and mother Jo Ellis are the focus of a new online movie created by the Complex Care Group, a support and information network for carers who look after young people with complex needs. The seven-minute movie features the pair in their Waikaraka home, while Ms Ellis discusses how Harvey has been affected by Cri du Chat, day-to-day life with him, and how her life has changed.
Harvey took his first wobbly independent steps last year when he was 6, and remains mostly non-verbal.
"Everything in Harvey's world takes time and huge amounts of effort."