For the Northland Car Club, this Sunday's penultimate round of the ABC Pipefitters Northern Rallysprint Series serves as a good chance for locals to test themselves.
Several Northland drivers will take part in the event purely for the challenge of seeing where they sit next to their counterparts from around the North Island.
Northland Car Club publicity officer Alan Strong noted while no Northlanders were in the running to win the Rallysprint series title, it was always good for them to test themselves against others and their cars.
"It sort of keeps us involved and gives our members a rallysprint to compete in and compete against other cars from further down country," he said, adding his intention was to try and beat his times from last year.
Strong invited spectators to go along and watch the event on Ruarangi Rd, which was a popular viewing spot for the recent International Rally of Whangarei. "The best place is at Graham Rd because you can drive up and walk up to the paddock," he said, adding that spectators needed to listen to marshals' instructions to keep them safe.