Northland Alzheimer's Society is set to open the doors of its new million-dollar facility in September. The building opens on September 12, but the moving has already begun with offices being relocated from their old 130sq m building on Western Hills Dr, to the new 568sq m facility on Corks Rd, Tikipunga.
Lack of space was the main reason for the new build with constant overcrowding at the old facility.
"We were tripping over each other at the old building," said general manager Kevin Salmon. "With more space we will have more room and, hopefully, it will increase the number of day programmes we can offer."
The cost of the building is "on track" sitting at $1.3 million, with most of the money being bequeathed to the society by former clients.
"We ploughed all of the money into the building," said Mr Salmon. "Without their donations, we couldn't have expanded.