Last week my daughter, the Boomerang Child, found herself behind the counter of her little shop with a colleague while a customer, new to the town they all live in, was inquiring of the best places to buy this and that.
I'm sure you get the picture.
Into this everyday scene
came two elderly women.
Naturally the Boomerang Child went to see if they needed help. Upon ascertaining the pair were "just looking" - which really must be the most oft used expression in any retail establishment - she returned to the front counter and the ongoing conversation.
It seems by this stage the chat had moved on from the "nice top" one of the girls was wearing and the pair were now deep in discussion about underwear.
Now, I'm a bloke. For me, and I'm sure thousands of my gender, underwear preference is not something we really talk about. Its simply a question of getting in quick wherever there's a three for one deal or the like.
As long as they are comfy and, er, keep everything in its place, we're happy.
Not so with the ladies.
It seems every supermodel has their own line and while some may be better than others it really was a matter of preference. And that was just what the work colleague was saying to Customer No.1 as the Boomerang Child returned.
". . . is best for Elle Macpherson," she said.
Now I should point out here that I am not an expert when it comes to women's underwear. My experience is limited to folding what looked to me like three bits of string when I last got the washing in off the line.
Mrs P and my two girls will correct me here if I'm wrong but I have a feeling it said "Macpherson" on the label. Quite honestly it could have said "McDonald's". I'm not sure. I just wanted to finish the job and get out of there. its not good for a bloke to be seen holding women's undies.