"Taking part in the contest is a good way to benchmark yourself and it pushes you out of your comfort zone," he said.
"It's also an opportunity to learn new skills."
This was his third attempt at winning the title.
Daniel won almost $12,000 worth of prizes, including an XR150 Honda farm bike.
The voice of the Young Farmer contest - Te Radar.The 28-year-old also won the Massey University Agri-Growth Challenge and the Meridian Energy Agri-Knowledge Challenge.
Daniel is in his first season contract milking 515 cows at Kawakawa and hopes to be 50:50 sharemilking within three years.
"We moved to New Zealand because there are more opportunities to progress if you work hard," he said.
The win has secured the dairy farmer a spot in the prestigious FMG Young Farmer of the Year Grand Final in Invercargill in July.
Second place went to Tim Dangen, who jointly owns a farm with his parents at Muriwai.
It was his first time competing in a regional final.
Wellsford 50:50 sharemilker Guy Bakewell took out third place and the AGMARDT Agri-Business Challenge.
Qualified fitter and turner John Kenworthy-Thompson, who helps run a family dairy and beef business at Maungaturoto, won the Agri-Sports Challenge.
Kamo dairy farm manager Clement Lafon won the coveted Ravensdown Agri-Skills Challenge. Kamo dairy farm manager Clement Lafon won the coveted Ravensdown Agri-Skills Challenge.
It's the 50th anniversary of the FMG Young Farmer of the Year - an iconic agricultural competition which began in 1969.