There was standing room only at a hui held so Sonny (Raniera) Tau could apologise to his elders but one Ngapuhi kaumatua has criticised the meeting saying it should have been held at a marae with more notice.
The hui was held at the Ngapuhi runanga offices in Kaikohe on Friday morning, with only a day's notice. It was called by Ngapuhi kaumatua and kuia so Mr Tau could apologise to his elders and tell them his "side of the story" after kukupa were allegedly found in his possession at Invercargill Airport on June 16.
Mr Tau said he would step down as chairman of the Ngapuhi Runanga if it was the wish of his elders but Ngapuhi kuia Nora Rameka said the 100 or so elders in attendance unanimously agreed he should continue in his role.
On Friday, it was also announced Mr Tau would appear in the Invercargill District Court on Friday, July 24, to face charges of hunting/killing kukupa and possessing the protected birds.
Mrs Rameka said news of the charges came to light during the hui but kaumatua and kuia who attended the meeting accepted Mr Tau's apology.