Kids enjoyed learning the art of lifting a fingerprint as evidence in a police investigation with Inspector Wayne Ewers, road policing manager for Whangarei and Kaipara districts.
Kids enjoyed learning the art of lifting a fingerprint as evidence in a police investigation with Inspector Wayne Ewers, road policing manager for Whangarei and Kaipara districts.
Future police cadets got a rarely seen inside look at what it's like to be an enforcer of the law at the Dargaville Police station open day.
The recent open day attracted 85 people to the station and five expressions of interest regarding recruitment.
Senior Constable William Paki deemed it a huge success.
"It was great way to show our community a small window into our mahi.
"It was great to see plenty of kids checking out the cells and all the cool kit we have available.
"The tour included a chance to sit and look inside a couple of our newly decorated highway patrol vehicles and turn on the lights and sirens.
"I gave a road spike demonstration, we had a police dog display with one of our retired police dogs, and our end of tour was with a couple of our armed offenders squad members all kitted up who gave a talk about their equipment and some of their training."
Oranga Tamariki supported the Dargaville Police on the day with gift packs for the children in attendance.
"We gave away some prevention packs. Our opening time was between 10.00 - 14.00 and the last public member walked out the door at about 14.30, so all in all it was a really enjoyable day."
Vanuatu meets Kaipara Kaipara District Council hosted a delegation of government officials from Vanuatu recently, including Minister of Internal Affairs, Hon. Andrew Solomon Napuat.
Kaipara Mayor Jason Smith with delegates from Vanuatu met to share their commonalities and ideas in support of each other at a recent get together.
The delegation met with Mayor Jason Smith and Council staff and were interested to learn how Kaipara District Council is working through some challenges the two have in common.
Ideas were shared about how council manages its ageing infrastructure through to the best ways to support unique and geographically dispersed communities.
A council spokesperson said managing climate change and rising sea levels were high on the agenda, and something Kaipara was focused on, as evidenced in the Long Term Plan under consultation.
"A highlight of the trip was the visit to the Dargaville Water Treatment plant where the group learnt about how Kaipara secures a river-based water supply, while effectively meeting the supply demands of a rural community."
Mayor Jason Smith said: "It was a pleasure to host a small delegation from Vanuatu, including the Minister of Internal Affairs.
"We bonded over shared stories of small community water systems, communication methods and risks to communities from climate change sea level rises.
"We also shared a cup of tea and some Kaipara kai, and the Vanuatu delegation sang in three-part harmony.
"They said their visit to Kaipara was the highlight of their week in New Zealand as we, like they, are a cluster of small communities facing some pretty big challenges."
The delegation was travelling as part of a Local Government New Zealand programme.
Kotui comes to Kaipara Libraries
Libraries in the Kaipara now offer it's customers an improved service that connects public libraries across New Zealand.
Library Staff and Kaipara District Councillors celebrated a newly implemented software system that should benefit library users in the region.
A grand opening was held at Dargaville library on Thursday 15th March to celebrate the arrival of Kotui.
Sue Sutherland Board Member of Kotui, Councillor's Anna Curnow and Victoria del la Varis-Woodcock, Acting Chief Executive Peter Tynan together with library staff and customers all shared a Kotui cake to mark the occasion.
A council spokesperson said Kotui was a library management and resource discovery service administered by the National Library of New Zealand. The system was designed to support regionally based libraries and provided a modern and fresh approach to library services, she said.
"Kotui has a streamlined and easy to use web interface, giving the user on-line access to physical and electronic library content that can be searched from home, school, work or on your smartphone. You will have the ability to reserve your book or e-book and see your place in the queue."
"Joining Kotui and the Library can be done from the comfort of your own home, setting up your own user profile and managing preferences, opting in or out of services and notifications. Text messaging will be an option for overdue reminders making managing your library issues efficient and paperless."
Existing library customers will have to make no change to their profiles, and will have been automatically transferred to the new system.
Students from St Joseph's Primary School in Dargaville are hosting weekly Garage Sales which are helping them to learn real life skills while supporting their community.
Assistant principal Carla Hill said the students would learn basic marketing, budgeting and business skills through the weekly garage sale.
The budding young school kids have created posters and cardboard billboards which they have set up around town to advertise the sales.
"It's basically about them being helping hands in our community and building positive relationships. It's about teaching them that you don't actually need money to make money, you can barter and sell excess household items. It's teaching them real life skills.
"Students will sell items donated to the school and those funds will go towards helping out their local community with various projects.
"It's also teaching them that someone's trash may be someone else's treasure."
Carla said any excess items that do not sell will be sent to Tonga and Samoa to help families who were affected by the recent cyclones that hit the country.
The Garage Sales will be held every Friday until the end of term from 1-3.30pm in the School Library.
■ Email Rose — if you have news that you would like to share with Northern Advocate readers. .