Caterer Mel Jean-Pierre Huang holds two hand made Christmas mince pies - just some of the treats expected to be on offer during a free dinner and social he is hosting tonight. Photo / Rose Stirling
Caterer Mel Jean-Pierre Huang holds two hand made Christmas mince pies - just some of the treats expected to be on offer during a free dinner and social he is hosting tonight. Photo / Rose Stirling
A former homeless man is hosting a free Christmas dinner for the elderly - as a way of paying it forward to the community in Dargaville who helped him get back on his feet.
"They discovered my talents and that's where everything started. I have had many opportunities that have come from this, such as catering for the council."
As a result of the encouragement he received from staff at Winz - Huang has started his own catering business, Mel's Catering, and he's been busy ever since.
"I'm lucky the opportunities just coming in, so I'm really really grateful for what I have and what I'm receiving.
"In life it is not a matter of just receiving it is a matter of giving back as well."
So Huang decided he wanted to give back to the community that has supported his business and helped him regain the confidence to start over.
So tonight from 5.30-8pm Huang and a group of volunteers plan to serve up to 70 elderly guests a complimentary Christmas dinner and social.
Location: 52 Murdoch St.
Please RSVP to Huang: 022 4069350 or email
Wasps may be behind a dramatic decline in native and monarch butterfly numbers in Northland.
Where have all the monarch butterflies gone? Photo / File
Kaipara resident Rosemary Hill says she hasn't seen any monarch butterflies lately and asked on social media if anyone else noticed the same.
"I live on the Pouto peninsula and a friend of mine lives at Turiwiri, we have got big swan plants that are normally just about eaten away by this time of year but no butterflies."
Jacqui Knight, of The Moths and Butterflies of NZ Trust, says residents were right to think there had been a steep decline in butterfly numbers.
"We had a trustees meeting two nights ago and several of them expressed the same concerns. I have noticed over recent years, when driving around say a 3-4km trip that I don't notice monarch butterflies anymore.
"There used to be several every kilometre and we're just not seeing them. It is of great concern.
"It is happening to our native butterflies and moths as well."
"I believe wasps are killing the caterpillars and ants are taking the eggs. So less are surviving."
Donna Kuljish responded to Hill's Facebook post to say she hadn't seen any monarchs either.
Mary Spencer from Kaihu commented her new swan plants were doing well.
"Alas, earlier, a few months ago, I saw monarchs and had the little eggy things on the plants. So excited. Now nothing."
Anisha Holford said she had seen just a couple of monarchs. "I think wasps kill them."
Sheep attacks stop - dog found
Animal management officers are praising dog owners who came forward after several vicious attacks on sheep.
Three attacks at four Echo Valley lifestyle blocks last month killed 22 sheep. A Kaipara District Council spokesman says dog control offers door-knocked the area to tell people what had happened and to get information on stray dogs. "The owners voluntarily handed in their dog, which they suspected had savaged sheep."
The contacted the officers to say the family dog had come home bloodied after escaping the previous evening and being out all night. The owners sought advice as they suspected it was due to an attack on sheep.
"It was a very hard thing for the dog owners to do, and we respect people who can put the wellbeing of the community ahead of their own," said an animal management team spokesperson.
Animal control teams encourage people in rural Mangawhai to report stock attacks, even if they didn't see the dogs as the team can offer advice and help educate people and their dogs. "City dogs moving into rural areas are at high risk in their new environment with often just farm fencing to keep them secure. When dogs lack stock training, the consequences can be devastating for stock owners, the dog's family and the dog. It can be the family labrador, so please don't think it can't happen to you."
For more information about owning a dog in Kaipara, visit the dogs page on the council's website, or call the council on 0800 727 059 for advice or assistance with animal control issues.
Mayor's Christmas message
Summer is the time for sharing what's best about the Kaipara District: miles of pristine beaches facing oceans, lakes or harbours, great fresh local food, a kind word with a local who may share a secret fishing spot or favourite hidden swimming hole.
Kaipara mayor Dr Jason Smith. Photo / Supplied
From Christmas for a few weeks it seems the population of the district nearly doubles with extra visitors joining us and coming here to stretch out so it follows that systems get stretched. Drinking water, waste water, rubbish collection – all these council services will soon be working at peak rate for this holiday time of year.
Another Christmas bonus is the recent decision by the government that the industrial functions of the port of Auckland will be relocated, and that Northland is in the frame for the future port.
As chairman of the Northland Mayoral Forum I'm speaking on this subject for the civic leaders of the region.
For Kaipara, already the fastest-growing district in the North Island, this port move would be expected to turbo-charge what's already the most popular place around. The new Kaipara Horizons Committee at KDC will be focusing on this in the new year, and there's lots of good stuff to share ahead.
Speaking of good stuff, I hope your Christmas and New Year are filled with lots of other good stuff, relaxing days and happy times. I look forward to a great 2020 year of vision ahead for Kaipara, and to sharing with you more good times in the mighty Kaipara.
There's no place like it, this place we call home. Maybe that's why so many others want to join us. Welcome, everyone. Nau mai, haere mai, piki mai. Come on in, the water's fine.
Merry Christmas from all of us at council, Meri Kirihimete.
Christmas whanau day
Families recently came together to celebrate whanau at a free day out at the Kauri Coast Pools thanks to Silver Fern Farms and the Kaipara Tamariki Collective.
Sharlene Afoa and Faith Afoa aged 4.
Pictured during the event together were mum and daughter Sharlene Afoa and Faith Afoa, 4.
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