Another bout of heavy rain predicted for this afternoon ... so there goes the driveway again. We've just recovered from the last dumping which wasn't even a week ago, an unexpected and apparently very local deluge in the wee small hours.
Never before has so much rain fallen so fast on us: 110mm in around two hours. The drains couldn't cope and the centre of the rotary milking shed filled up with water, drowning the milk lift pump.
The sun rose - not that we could see it, lurking as it was behind thick grey clouds - on a dismal scene. The cowshed was full of mud and rocks washed in from an overflowing culvert, water lay across the main road and our front paddocks, the one sheep which had refused to move from the paddock by the creek ran frantically up and down looking for her lamb.
The cows couldn't be milked - some were cut off by the creek still rushing over the bridge and the herd that made it to the shed couldn't be milked anyway because the pump was dead. The calves bellowed, wondering why breakfast was taking so long.
Fortunately, we had enough milk to feed the pet lamb because it bawls whenever it sees anyone anyway, thinking it needs to be fed. If you had the temerity to actually miss a mealtime, it would deafen you with its prolonged and piercing bleats.