The Whangarei Report and Northern Advocate are asking for your help to put boots on the feet of young Northlanders playing sport.
With about 3000 kids playing rugby, not all of them can afford the appropriate footwear. So, the Advocate and Report are asking for any unused boots to be put to good use.
Northland ITM Cup first-five Dan Hawkins is behind the campaign, saying it's about opening the door for Northlanders to play sport.
"It's a real cool thing," he said of the campaign. "I suppose it's not about the boots, but what they represent. Once you chuck them on and get into it, and hopefully enjoy the game, you know that's where you make a lot mates. That's probably the best thing [about sport], the mates you make."
For some, the donated boots may be their first - something Hawkins remembers fondly.