There are other ways to say thanks to the teacher.
There are other ways to say thanks to the teacher.
If only school could always be this happy.
Teacher strikes are an inconvenience to parents for all of one day but I wonder if those who moan have really put themselves in the shoes of the teachers.
Have they asked why they're doing it? As the teachers say, they are doing it for the future of our children.
Parents need only spend a small amount of time in a classroom or simply listen to their kids talk about their day to have a glimpse into what both teachers and students endure on a daily basis.
Not only are teachers already under pressure with class rolls stretched over capacity while being underpaid with an ever-increasing workload. Not to mention tip-toeing around the intensifying politically-correct procedures of today, and they are dealing with behavioral issues that are just shocking.
For example, do parents realise while they sit in their cosy offices, safe in the belief their kids too are cozily ensconced learning in their classrooms, their children are possibly huddling together as a class of 25-plus, under a shelter as the rain teems down around them?
This is not during play time and not part of the planned education curriculum for that day. They have been evacuated due to a disruptive student inside.
Child restraint guidelines indicate staff must only restrain a child if the safety of the student or of any other person is at serious and imminent risk.
But having to weigh up the situation, while fearful of crossing a boundary and jeopardising their career, is a tough call to make when being sworn at, hit and watching their classroom turned upside-down as chairs are thrown about.
All this while trying to manage the other students in class.
There are other ways to say thanks to the teacher.
These and much worse situations are happening nationwide. This is not what teachers signed up for. In fact, it sounds like a living hell.
As Te Tai Tokerau Principals' Association president and Hora Hora Primary School principal Pat Newman recently said, ''It's PC gone mad''.
And then let's take a look at the majority, the well-behaved students experiencing this. I'm not sure what they are learning in this situation and you have to wonder what goes through their heads as they are removed mid-lesson.
Sure, there will be those who welcome getting out of class work, but why should the ones who really want to learn suffer while all the attention is given to the disruptive child?
I feel sorry for the children who have come to school to learn and I feel sorry for the teachers who are simply trying to do their jobs and educate.
Why would anyone want to train as a teacher these days?
Teachers and principals don't want to be striking and causing this inconvenience to the community and themselves.
So instead of bemoaning the inconvenience, get behind it and perhaps employers can, too, by allowing those stuck for childcare to bring their children to work for the day.
After all, this problem is going to have a flow-on effect into many generations to come.