Whangarei police station opened its doors to the public with about 300 people taking the chance, without being arrested, to have a look at the cells in the station yesterday.Whangarei along with Dargaville and other stations around the country were opened. At Simpson Park in Moerewa, the public had the chance to meet local police staff and recruiting officers. There were also patrol cars, activities for kids and a barbecue.
Whangarei and Kaipara area commander Inspector Justin Rogers was on the door in Whangarei welcoming people, and said the open day provided the opportunity for the community to have a look inside the police station and meet some of the officers.
A police car, the booze bus, a police dog, members of search and rescue, the Armed Offenders Squad, victim support and the recruiting team were all set up in the garage for people to get up close too.
The public were also able to go on a tour of the station and see the cells.
The event was popular for families, with plenty of parents just as interested as their children. Mr Rogers said about 300 people turned up in Whangarei.