Whangarei Girls' High School's premier team have bounced back from two recent losses to beat Hikurangi 2-1.
After losing 1-5 to Springfield in Round 10 and 1-7 to Old Girls in Round 9, WGHS appeared to be on the brink of a flame-out.
However, by sticking it to an upbeat Hikurangi on Friday night WGHS managed to regain some of the momentum sighted earlier in their season.
"To be fair, we by far played the better game," WGHS coach Alan Moscrip said. "We've had a few losses, some of our shot selections probably weren't the best."
With the WGHS school ball taking place at the weekend and a few sporting events due in the coming weeks, Moscrip said there were distractions, but a recent bout of losses hadn't taken the spring out of their step.