A Northland island which was once the site of a pa and extensive kumara gardens will be home to two historic varieties of kumara for the first time in about 100 years.
Whangarei's Fred Tito, who helped organise today's planting, said two old varieties - taputini (also known as maurea) and hutihuti - will be planted on Matakohe Limestone Island. Mr Tito said the varieties are believed to have not been planted there for up to 100 years.
"There is an old pa-site where the old gardens used to be. The kumara beds run on the north side of the garden, we're trying to do the same idea. It's quite a historic occasion in terms it is the first time it's been planted out there since up to 100 years. This particular variety anyway," Mr Tito said.
Matakohe Limestone Island was once the site of Matakohe Pa and extensive kumara gardens.
Mr Tito was not sure why the kumara had disappeared from New Zealand but said the variety had been in Japan.