Anti-mining groups are doing their own groundwork following Evolution Mining's start of explorative drilling for gold and silver at Puhipuhi.
Within hours of the Australian minerals company announcing on Wednesday that drilling was to start, MineWatch Northland made a call to arms. Action Co-ordination Group (ACG) - comprising Kaumatua Kuia Ngati Hau, Ngati Hau Anti Mining Group, Ngati Hau Resource Management Group and MineWatch - is urging people to meet at Whakapara Marae for a hikoi to Puhipuhi tomorrow , and bring spades "to help 'clean up' Evolution Mining's toxic mess in the making!"
Spokesman Tim Howard said it is the first of a series of action. He described Evolution bringing in drilling equipment earlier this week, in a convoy supported by security personnel, as "undercover night activity".
"While this was not a surprise, it has been the opportunity for tangata whenua and community opponents to this toxic mining venture to bring months of preparation into action," Mr Howard said.
Benjamin Pittman, for Kaumatua Kuia Ngati Hau, said in allowing Evolution its exploration permit the Government had ignored the opposition by Ngati Hau and all other concerns, "endlessly expressed".