Failing to wear a helmet while riding a motor scooter may have cost the life of a Northland woman.
The 42-year-old, from South Hokianga, died after her scooter veered off the road at a moderate right-hand bend on State Highway 12, Omapere, about 9.30am yesterday. She was thrown from the bike when it hit the edge of a driveway and struck her head on a tree.
The accident occurred directly outside Globetrekkers Lodge and just a few hundred metres west of Opononi Area School.
Senior Constable Jeff Cramp, of Rawene police, said it appeared the rider had overshot a corner and travelled across a grass verge until her bike, a 50cc Eurojet, tipped on a driveway edge and she was thrown off. Her head had hit the base of a cabbage tree.
Speed was not a factor - she had been travelling about 50km/h - but she was not wearing a helmet, he said.