It is disquieting that so much sympathy is being shown for the African refugees, but little for the unfortunate Europeans who now have thousands of uninvited guests among them. It is unbelievable that these refugees should think they would be welcomed with open arms.
Not only have they arrived like an invading army but they expect to be fed, clothed, housed and given jobs. Pity the luckless host countries.
These are amenities they are unlikely to have in excess of what they themselves need.
Added to this, most refugees are probably Muslims for whom Westerners are normally infidels; infidels are obviously great when their own country comes under siege. The thought of so many Muslims with their Middle Ages practices such as segregation of the sexes and relegation of women to an inferior status is fearful to contemplate.
It even makes one think whether this is a planned invasion to further the spread of Islam; a thought that should be borne in mind if New Zealand agrees to accept some of these refugees. New Zealand society is already too macho without bringing in men of a patriarchal culture and it is no secret the aim of Islam is to extend sharia law until it becomes worldwide.