I wish to express my strong opposition to Onerahi having yet another alcohol outlet.
This is not a positive move for our community.
I am saying this as a health professional, and as current chairperson of Onerahi Resource Centre Trust, which employs Ligi Pakieto-Johnstone, local community worker, and as a resident of Onerahi for the past 26 years.
As a health professional, I am aware of the negative impact of increasing the availability of alcohol - and both Manaia and Te Tai Tokerau PHOs support tight controls on alcohol sales because this is part of a wider policy direction titled the 5+ Solution.
The 5+ Solution advocates:
1.Raise alcohol prices.
2.Raise the purchase age.
3.Reduce alcohol accessibility.
4.Reduce marketing and advertising.
5.Increase drink-driving counter-measures.
Plus: Increase treatment opportunities for heavy drinkers.