Concerning Rosemary McLeod's column (October 5), I find it interesting that not only her opinion but the opinions of the many people I've heard on talkback radio are all against Australia's new law requiring deportation of people that have been incarcerated in Australia for a period of one year or more. Why the animosity towards Australia? I think it's a great step forward and New Zealand should adopt the same policy. Australia isn't singling out Kiwis with this law, it applies to everybody.
Australia can only police this law by applying it to the individual's citizenship and can't really take into account their personal and emotional side. I admit it does seem hard to be sent to a detention centre to wait for the deportation process but, hey, Australia has to confine them somewhere and as we all know, the wheels of government are notoriously slow at the best of times - unless they're voting themselves a pay rise.
Kiwis now awaiting deportation have committed what can only be reasonably serious offences to be sentenced to a minimum of a year in jail. Remember, they all went to Australia to enjoy the benefits of more work and far better wages than in New Zealand and intended to stay for the long term. If they decided to abuse the open arms of Australia by committing a serious offence then Australia has every right to kick them out.
If they had applied and been granted citizenship because they intended to stay and enjoy the benefits Australia had to offer then there would be no problem, would there?
They could commit all the crimes they wanted, do the time and continue to to live there.
P Davies
Helena Bay