It would be nice to have some consistency with ages in NZ. Why does foster care end at age 17 and why are these children being dumped on the streets with no support?
What role does their last foster parent play in this? Is it because there is no funding for them that they feel that their job is done.
Do we treat our own family members like this? If our children are 21, 31, 41, etc if they need support and unconditional love they receive it. Why is the Government not funding these unfortunate (through no fault of their own, they did not ask to be born), young people until at least 18 when they can at least get a benefit, have the right to vote, can get an adult passport and a job and be at least semi-independent?
Why also are student benefits means tested from their parents' income until they are 25 years?
It seems to be a blatant manipulation of figures so that governments can have their cake and eat it too! Let's have some consistency and everyone become an adult at 18 years and responsible for themselves. It used to be 21 years, which was a far more sensible age for maturity.