The official centre season gets underway this weekend when the centre pennants will be played at the following venues. Latest reporting time is 8.30am, play starts at 9am. All umpires on duty.
Section 1: (Day 1 - Ngunguru, Day 2 - One Tree Point)
Waipū 1, Kamo Tuis, Hikurangi, Mangawhai 2, Kensington Owls, Kensington Pukekos, Kensington Tuis, Mangawhai 2, Kensington Finches, Kamo Bellbirds.
Section 2: (Day 1 - Onerahi, Day 2 - Ngunguru)
Kensington Geese, Kensington Kiwis, Maungatapere, Kamo Kingfishers, Waipū 2, Kensington Swans, One Tree Point, Mangawhai 1, Onerahi, Kensington Seagulls.
Section 1: (Day 1 - Hikurangi, Day 2 - Maungaturoto)
Waipū 1, Kamo Dukes, Mangawhai 1, Whangārei 1, Whangārei 4, Hikurangi Gum-diggers, Kensington Sparrows, Maungatapere 1, Mangawhai 3, Whangārei 5, Onerahi 2, Kensington Kakapos, Maungaturoto, Kensington Hawks.
Section 2: (Day 1 - One Tree Point, Day 2 - Hikurangi)
Onerahi 1, Kensington Quails, Kensington Falcons, Whangārei 2, Kamo Kings, Waipu 2, Whangārei 3, Maungatapere 2; Hikurangi Miners; Mangawhai 2; Ngunguru, Kamo Earls, Hikurangi Lumberjacks, One Tree Point.