The Hikurangi club won their second centre interclub event in five days when they won the Bowls3Five competition which concluded on Wednesday.
Whangārei Power were second and third place went to the Kensington Dare Devils.
Hikurangi also won the women's interclub sevens tournament that concluded last weekend when they won all matches in the last round to score a victory over Kensington 1 and Mangawhai.
Well done to Leanne Stewart who won all her singles matches, to Anne Bateman and Diane Lawrence (pairs) and Manu Timoti, Betty Mitchell, Gwen Lawson and Frances Clark (fours).
The men's division was also played over the same weekend and the event is yet to be concluded.
In the junior 1-5 Bowls3Five competition, the two unbeaten team played against one another in the last round. Congratulations to the Mangawhai team of Janice Little, and Keith and Christine Lineham who took out the title for this season when they beat Kamo on Wednesday night.