Responsible drinking is becoming a thing of the past.
I believe that drinking in public in Otangarei is having a bad effect on the teens in the area - the crime and other anti-social behaviour will not stop.
People who buy alcohol for under-age teens should be made to be accountable for the resulting behaviour. I have witnessed adults supplying alcohol to teen girls and I have experienced the wrath of drunken teenage girls.
I have spoken up, but I seem to be bashing my head against a brick wall.
I find it hard to comprehend that most of Otangarei are Housing NZ tenants but still find money to party most days of the week.
Go for a drive around Otangarei during the week and see for yourself. All the teens wandering around with no incentive to get a job because Winz pays them a benefit.
Most of the crime is a result of the teens trying to make money to buy alcohol and drugs, and promiscuity among teen girls in Otangarei is part of the culture. How can this behaviour stop when the parents themselves have no self-control and have not been afforded an education themselves?
I am kicking myself for coming back to Otangarei; we have many good friends here and there are many good people in the place but the general feeling of the place is not nice. Would you walk through Otangarei at night by yourself, Mr Key? The Government has the biggest role to play in tidying up a mess that was created by them in the beginning.
Unfortunately most of the problem is a lack of understanding of culture and of opportunities not afforded to the minorities.
Integration is hard for any culture to accept, especially when there are grievances that have been held on to.
The youth in Whangarei are out of control. Why? Because they have power over themselves by the Government lowering the drinking age and creating a new "young adult" with more on offer than there has ever been. The price we pay is a division of culture, a rising crime rate, and broken families.
Who's learning to live in this world? Are we as responsible adults learning to live with the teen culture of today or are we teaching them to live this way?
I came back to Otangarei to relax and enjoy my family and friends but I have been stressed out by the continuing bull**** that is going on.