There'll be no Government inquiry into how parts of the stormwater and wastewater systems on the multimillion- dollar Marsden City development "failed", potentially costing Whangarei ratepayers millions of dollars to fix.
However, Associate Minister of Local Government Peseta Sam Lotu-liga is monitoring the situation after the Northern Advocate revealed last week that Whangarei District is investigating who is responsible for the problems and, ultimately, who will pay for the repairs that the newspaper understands could be as high as $8 million.
The issue has been raised in Parliament, with Labour List MP Shane Jones asking Mr Sam Lotu-liga to look into the matter.
Mr Sam Lotu-liga told the Northern Advocate it was up to the council to sort it out.
"I am not accountable for the day-to-day operations and decisions made by the Whangarei District Council. The council is accountable to its ratepayers," he said.