You may have seen Whangarei's Ron Burgin paddling his way around Northland's coastline on his kayak fishing for a few big catches. Kayak fishing is on the up in Northland, and with our beautiful coastline why wouldn't it be? Ron is a passionate fisher, who has given Northern Advocate readers a bit of an insight into the world of kayak fishing ...
Regarding kayak fishing in Northland, is there a strong community? How do people get involved?
Kayak fishing in Northland is growing just like the rest of the country, take a look how many cars that travel around the district with a kayak on the roof during the summer months. We have some of the best areas there are to fish with good accessibility to many areas in varied weather conditions. The Northland Kayak Fishing club has approx 34 members with 12-14 being active. Website
Is there a certain kit involved with being a kayak fisher?
Fishing can be undertaken in a variety of types of kayaks. Those specifically designed for it are typically the most stable and comfortable. They often are fitted out with sounders, rod holders, ice boxes to keep the catch fresh etc. A life jacket designed for kayaking is a must as is a portable VHF radio and/or a cell phone in a waterproof container. Suitable paddle clothing to be warm and dry but safe if you end up in the water. Paddle with a buddy, and tell someone where you are going and what time you will return. Know your and your kayak's capabilities and try and paddle with more experience people to gain experience and confidence. Learn to self rescue. Ensure that you are as visible as possible, kayaks sit low in the water and can be difficult to see from boats.