There is no questioning golf in Northland is doing something right, with all their successes in the last year or so, and Lee Neumann is one of the bunch who keep the sport up there. Lee's career success so far includes winning the New Zealand Maori Nationals, not to mention the various times representing Northland. Here's what Lee had to say about his time involved with the sport so far ...
How did you get into golf, what was it that drew you to the sport? How old were you?
I first played when I was in intermediate school, just for something to do with my friends. I was never really serious about it until my later teen years - that's when I gave up hockey to focus on golf. Golf is a game that nobody will ever perfect so I guess it's the constant challenge of trying to improve all parts of my game. Also the variety of shots required in the game keeps things exciting and interesting.
Since you got into the sport, what have been your highlights? What is it that makes them highlights
Certainly all the times representing Northland are special, I love representative golf and being within a team atmosphere is awesome. Personally, winning the New Zealand Maori Nationals would be my biggest win to date.