A special rate levied on the forestry industry could help cover some of the damage and dust problems on Whangarei's roads from logging trucks - an idea backed by Federated Farmers and Northland District Health Board.
Northland Federated Farmers provincial president John Blackwell said a "roading differential" - a targeted rate imposed according to the tonnage of product leaving a property via road - would see fairer rating of large rural tracts.
"The rating value of forestry land is very low. So when you've got land value-based rating (as in Whangarei), it gives forestry a very easy run," Mr Blackwell said.
A former Kaipara district councillor, Mr Blackwell said KDC had successfully introduced differential roading rates. Far North District Council unsuccessfully floated the idea last year. Per hectare, the forestry industry had the highest tonnage of product going via road, followed by dairy "then sheep and beef a long long way behind", he said.
Land Transport Forum chief executive Ken Shirley said a roading differential was an idea being floated by a number of local bodies around the country.